
Frogs belong to the order Anura, with the appearance of the first members of this order believed to have occurred around 250 million years back. At present, there are over 4,700 different species of frogs in the world, found in every continent and country, except in Antarctica. There are over 90 species found in the United States. Frogs can withstand different climatic conditions but are most commonly found in warm tropical regions. Their behavior, range, and habitat vary depending on species.

Diet, Reproduction, and Adaptation

Being carnivores, their diet ranges from small insects and worms to smaller frogs, as well as baby snakes and turtles. Frogs lay eggs to reproduce, which are fertilized externally in the water by male frogs. The eggs then hatch into tadpoles that live in water till undergoing metamorphosis, in which they trade their gills for lungs so they can move to land like the adults.

Frogs are known for the interesting adaptation of their skin which takes part in respiration and controls body temperature, also allowing them to absorb moisture from the environment.

Interesting Fact

Frogs are prominent indicator species, as they alert biologists by disappearing from a certain habitat when there is a problem in its eco-system.

Oregon Spotted Frog
African Clawed Frog
Malayan Leaf Frog
Surinam Horned Frog
Southern Cricket Frog
Pinocchio Frog
Bleating Tree Frog
Carpenter Frog
Crab-eating Frog
Cuban Tree Frog
Mimic Poison Dart Frog
Columbia Spotted Frog
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